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More energy-efficient, readily dimmable, long-lasting and more affordable light-emitting diode (LED) lights are increasingly finding applications in poultry production facilities. Despite anecdotal evidence about the benefits of such lighting on bird performance and behavior, concrete research data were lacking. In this study, a commercial poultry-specific LED light (dim-to-blue, controllable correlated color temperature (CCT) from 4500 to 5300 K) and a typical compact fluorescent light (CFL) (soft white, CCT=2700 K) were compared with regards to their effects on growing performance, activity levels, and feather and comb conditions of non-beak-trimmed W-36 pullets during a 14-week rearing period. A total of 1280-day-old pullets in two successive batches, 640 birds each, were used in the study. For each batch, pullets were randomly assigned to four identical litter-floor rooms equipped with perches, two rooms per light regimen, 160 birds per room. Body weight, BW uniformity (BWU), BW gain (BWG) and cumulative mortality rate (CMR) of the pullets were determined every 2 weeks from day-old to 14 weeks of age (WOA). Activity levels of the pullets at 5 to 14 WOA were delineated by movement index. Results revealed that pullets under the LED and CFL lights had comparable BW (1140±5 g v. 1135±5 g, P=0.41), BWU (90.8±1.0% v. 91.9±1.0%, P=0.48) and CMR (1.3±0.6% v. 2.7±0.6%, P=0.18) at 14 WOA despite some varying BWG during the rearing. Circadian activity levels of the pullets were higher under the LED light than under the CFL light, possibly resulting from differences in spectrum and/or perceived light intensity between the two lights. No feather damage or comb wound was apparent in either light regimen at the end of the rearing period. The results contribute to understanding the impact of emerging LED lights on pullets rearing which is a critical component of egg production.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to determine whether zinc and calcium could interact at the tissue level. In the first part of the study, adult rats were injected with ZnCl2 dissolved in a physiological saline solution to determine the effects of Zn on Ca levels in various tissues. In the second part of the study, weaned rats (at day 22 postnatally) were fed a diet supplemented with Zn until day 50 and were then sacrificed. In both instances, blood, brain, heart, liver, and skeletal muscle were taken and analyzed. In the Zn-injected group, the brain, heart, and liver showed no interaction between Zn and Ca. The skeletal muscle, in contrast, showed a decrease in Ca in the homogenate, whereas Zn contents showed a significant increase at the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Likewise, in the Zn-supplemented group, the Zn content of the SR vesicle of the skeletal muscle showed an increase, whereas Ca content of the pellet (14,000 g), which contains cell debris, nucleus, mitochondria, and SR vesicles of this group, showed a decrease. Current findings suggest antagonistic effects between Zn and Ca on this tissue. Zn may play a critical role in cellular function through the alteration of itnracellular distribution of Ca in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Dengue is a major public health concern in tropical and subtropical countries of the world. There are no specific drugs available to treat dengue. Even though several candidates targeted both viral and host proteins to overcome dengue infection, they have not yet entered into the later stages of clinical trials. In order to design a drug for dengue fever, newly emerged fragment-based drug designing technique was applied. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is essential for dengue viral replication is chosen as a drug target for dengue drug discovery. A cascade of methods, fragment screening, fragment growing, and fragment linking revealed the compound [2-(4-carbamoylpiperidin-1-yl)-2-oxoethyl]8-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)naphthalene-1-carboxylate as a potent dengue viral polymerase inhibitor. Both strain energy and binding free energy calculations predicted that this could be a better inhibitor than the existing ones. Molecular dynamics simulation studies showed that the dengue polymerase–lead complex is stable and their interactions are consistent throughout the simulation. The hydrogen-bonded interactions formed by the residues Arg792, Thr794, Ser796, and Asn405 are the primary contributors for the stability and the rigidity of the polymerase–lead complex. This might keep the polymerase in closed conformation and thus inhibits viral replication. Hence, this might be a promising lead molecule for dengue drug designing. Further optimization of this lead molecule would result in a potent drug for dengue.  相似文献   

Growing cells of Pseudomonas putida transformed isoeugenol after 5 days of incubation to give mainly vanillin, eugenol, 4-(E)-(3-hydroxyprop-1-enyl)-2-methoxyphenol and the dimeric molecule (+)-4-[2,3-dihydro-7-methoxy-3-methyl-5-(E)-(1-propenyl)-2-benzofuranyl]-2-methoxyphenol (licarin A). The formation of the latter compound from isoeugenol by biotransformation with P. putida is reported here for the first time.  相似文献   
(1) The active uptake of different amino acids by growing cells of Streptomyces hydrogenans was shown to be correlated with the physiological age of the cells. During the lag phase of growth the transport capacity increased and attained its highest level when the growth rate was maximum. During further growth the transport capacity declined progressively. The lowest transport activity was observed when the culture shifted into the stationary growth phase. (2) Such modulation of transport capacity was independent on the presence or absence of amino acids in the growth medium of the cells. (3) The size and the composition of the pool of free intracellular amino acids was also undergoing substantial variations during the growth cycle of the culture. In the lag phase, the levels of all amino acids decreased markedly and attained their lowest values at the end of this phase. During further growth the pool size was slowly replenished. (4) Removal of the pool resulted in a considerable gain of transport capacity. Therefore, it was concluded that active amino acid transport in growing Streptomyces hydrogenans is under feedback control by intracellular amino acids. (5) Quantitatively, the modulation of the pool size could not fully account for the variation of the transport capacity. Since a pool-independent stimulation of transport was found to be correlated with the increase of the growth rate of the cells, the possibility is discussed that the stimulation of transport is either due to increased levels of distinct RNA species, which might provide positive feedback signals for transport, or by increased rates of de novo synthesis of transport limiting proteins.List of Abbreviations AIB 2-aminoisobutyric acid - CM complete medium - MM mineral medium  相似文献   
重寄生属(Phacellaria)植物共有8个种,其地理分布主要局限于东南亚和我国华南和西南地区的亚热带和热带山地森林中,其中我国分布有6个种。重寄生属植物的寄主仅局限于桑寄生科(Loranthaceae)和檀香科(Santalaceae)寄生藤属(Dendrotrophe)的植物。作者在查阅国内主要标本馆的馆藏标本、野外调查并结合已有研究报道的基础上,详细分析了我国重寄生属植物目前的生存现状,认为它们已经处于渐危或濒危的境地。造成重寄生属植物渐危或濒危的主要因素是森林过度砍伐导致的重寄生植物寄主种群密度的降低;与重寄生植物种子传播者啄花鸟类的生境片断化和数量的减少等也有密切的关系。重寄生属植物与其寄主、种子传播者啄花鸟类和生境中的其他生物形成了复杂的关系,是生物多样性的重要组成部分。因此,有必要对重寄生属植物进行保护。提出了保护重寄生属植物的生境、保护啄花鸟类和加强其生物学特性研究等保护对策。  相似文献   
合浦县野生稻资源现状调查及保护对策   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文报道了合浦县普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)资源调查收集结果、地理分布现状与濒危原因.考察发现野生稻原生地新分布点1个,面积约133.34m2.现存原记载野生稻原生地分布点9个仅占25.0%,分布范围在109°13'~109°45'E、21°36'~21°52'N.考察发现合浦县野生稻原生地破坏十分严重,已毁灭的原生地占原记载的75.0%.造成野生稻濒危的主要原因是人们的各种活动,包括城镇扩大、修公路、农业开垦、过度放牧、环境污染、外来物种侵蚀等.针对合浦县野生稻现状,本文提出采用异位保存与原位保存相结合的保护对策.  相似文献   
研究得知湘南地区引进沾化冬枣、梨枣和骏枣的枣头一次枝(下简称枣头)伸长生长节律与本地品种鸡蛋枣相似,幼树期枣头有两次明显的伸长生长过程,其间出现生长暂缓期。从枣头年生长量看,三个引进品种均比本地品种鸡蛋枣要小,但秋季生长量比重均比鸡蛋枣还要大。三个引进品种果实均较鸡蛋枣大,果实生长规律均与鸡蛋枣相似。但各个品种果实生育期均长于鸡蛋枣。冬枣果实生育期最长为100天~110天,梨枣与骏枣果实生育较短,梨枣70天~75天,骏枣约85天,而鸡蛋枣只有65天~70天。  相似文献   
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